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Water Saving Zeroscapes in Weber County, UT

At Hickman Landscaping, we help home and business owners maintain a beautiful and efficient lawn during the hottest temperatures and droughts. We provide residential and commercial properties with resistant zeroscapes and xeriscapes in Weber and Davis County, UT. Our services enable residents to conserve more water while maintaining their lawn’s beautiful appearance. Our seasoned professionals have years of experience installing drought-resistant lawns and personalizing them to our clients’ exact visions. From choosing the perfect rocks and plants to planning the layout, we’re committed to your satisfaction.

Flooring installation

How to Choose Between Zeroscapes and Xeriscapes

Zeroscapes and xeriscapes are alike in many ways, but they have a few differences. For Zeroscapes, we use hard materials like rocks to construct the landscape. Xeriscapes comprise highly resistant plant life that requires minimal water to live and thrive. They can survive with a small water conservation and still look and grow great throughout the year. Regardless of what style you choose, both can help you save money and cut down your monthly water bill.

stone flooring in garden

Four Excellent Advantages to Zeroscapes and Xeriscapes

These two styles offer a wide range of benefits for home and business owners who must endure our harsh climate. We recommend choosing a zeroscape or xeriscape if you want the following for your property:

  • Minimal Upkeep: Drought-resistant lawns require less mowing, planting, watering, and other maintenance than traditionally hardscaped and landscaped lawns.
  • Savings: Spend less on maintaining your yard and conserve more water throughout the year.
  • Boosted Curb Appeal: Zeroscapes and xeriscapes look beautiful and can attract potential buyers.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Plant diversity is better for lawns and the surrounding environment.

Trusted Zeroscape Professionals for Properties

If you want a drought-resistant solution for preserving your water and your lawn’s beauty and health, Hickman Landscaping is here for you. We guide home and business owners from beginning to end and help them make the best choices for their property. We continually innovate our services to fulfill changing demands brought on by our state. You can depend on us for unmatched attention to detail. We’ll provide your lawn with the care and attention it needs to thrive during the driest day and nights.

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