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Robust Concrete Slabs in Weber County, UT

Hickman Landscaping specializes in providing expert concrete slabs for Weber and Davis County, UT, homes and businesses. We perform smaller-scale repairs, installations, and maintenance, ensuring slabs and pads stay in prime condition throughout the year. We partner with our clients to develop innovative, customized solutions for their needs. We offer free, on-site estimates for residential and commercial properties, which we perform to determine an accurate size, scope, and price. Our team is seasoned and experienced in fulfilling concrete projects to our client’s satisfaction and exceeding their expectations. We’ll work within your budget and complete your project to your liking.

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For Sturdy Concrete That Lasts for Years

Our team is trained and equipped to provide full-service concrete work on every type of slab and pad. Residential and commercial property owners trust us most to fulfill the following services:

  • Installation: We install new-and-improved concrete for new project builds and landscaping updates, cut to your desired shape and size.
  • Repairs: We fix broken, chipped, cracked, and deteriorating concrete and restore it to optimal condition. Our repairs prevent safety hazards and make concrete smooth and beautiful again.
  • Maintenance: We can inspect your concrete work, provide routine patch-ups and maintenance, and look for signs of disrepair and other concerns.

A Streamlined Concrete Installation Process

Whether you need concrete for support or it’s the main feature of your outdoor space, our team fulfills installations successfully by following a proven process. We’ll begin by thoroughly inspecting and assessing your property. We’ll then make recommendations based on what we find and what you want from your installation. Your desired size and shape and your home or business layout will be crucial in determining what we recommend. We offer a laser-focused approach, and we’re not done with the job until every detail has been realized precisely as you want. Hickman Landscaping is your source for top-quality slab and pad work.

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