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Installing Durable Fencing in Weber County, UT

Great fences boost your comfort, safety, and peace of mind in and outside your home while looking beautiful. Hickman Landscaping comprises lawn and landscape professionals who install high-quality fencing for Weber and Davis County, UT homes and businesses. Our team provides carefully crafted materials and uses them to construct strong fences that last for years. Customers choose us because we are devoted to their satisfaction, performing exceptional services and getting the job done right the first time.


Factors to Consider Before Installing Your Fence

Fences are primarily installed to add protection and privacy to properties. Understanding your goals and your fence’s purpose is crucial to customize the solution you need. If you want to keep children and pets from escaping or wandering off, we recommend considering how high, wide, long, and thick the fence must be to keep them safe. Visibility is also a key consideration. Fence holes can allow you to view and monitor your property, but they can also provide entry for unwelcome animals and people. Our team can help you develop a design that best suits your property and comfort.

landscape and white wall

Choose From Modern and Classic Materials

We can help you select the right fence materials based on your wants, needs, and goals:

  • Vinyl: Vinyl is among the most popular styles because it is low maintenance and durable. It is also cost-effective and can fit within any budget.
  • Wood: Wood provides homes and businesses with earthy aesthetics and can be installed easily. It can be cut thinly or thickly, depending on your preferences.
  • Chain Link: Chain link fences are one of the most practical solutions, providing sturdy protection and transparency to view your property.
  • Wrought Iron: Wrought iron is exceptionally robust. Its sleek design and style make it an excellent choice for modern homes.

Thorough Planning and Project Fulfillment

At Hickman Landscaping, we understand each project is different. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. Home and business owners can rely on us to develop customized solutions to fulfill their unique wants and needs. During your on-site free estimate, we’ll carefully assess your property layout and size. Our team is knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful, and they’ll guide you through our product selection and help you determine which best suits your lawn. We pride ourselves on being affordable and providing top quality within any budget.

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