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Expert Landscaping in Weber County, UT

A beautiful appearance and health are crucial to your yard. Hickman Landscaping is a full-service landscaping company for Weber and Davis County, UT, homes and businesses that delivers nothing less than perfection. Our landscape, hardscape, zeroscape, and xeriscape offerings are built to easily withstand our dry, hot climate. As a fully licensed and insured company, you can trust us to boost your property’s value and happiness safely and responsibly, bringing your customized design to life.

Bunglow outside the landscape

Comprehensive Landscaping for Homes and Businesses

We provide properties of all kinds with the following top-tier services:

  • Landscape Installation: We bring visions to life by installing all landscape features and materials, like fencing, sod, turf, rock, mulch, plants, sprinkler systems, and concrete.
  • Zeroscaping & Xeriscaping: Our drought-resistant lawn design is perfect for our climate. We help home and business owners save money and water usage yearly and reduce their environmental impact.
  • Hardscaping: Using Belgard, natural stone, and brick, We help develop and install hardscaping features to elevate any home, including walkways, driveways, patios, walls, and firepits.
Landscape with stairs

Why Choose Hickman Landscaping

Our team isn’t finished until the job is completed to your exact specifications, desires, and satisfaction. Our commitment to quality craft and exceptional customer service sets us apart from the rest. Whether you want to begin a small- or large-scale project for your home or business, you can count on us to treat every detail with the highest care and attention. Our fast, top-quality services and prices make us the right choice for your landscape and happiness.

Design and Fulfill Your Dream Landscape

At Hickman Landscaping, we enable home and business owners to customize their designs and devise solutions perfect for their property. Whether you want to add to, restore, or enhance the beauty and function of your lawn, our team will provide professional knowledge and guidance to get you there. We involve you at each project stage, and your unique needs, wants, goals, and ideas take top priority. Every project is carefully considered, from forming initial design plans to welcoming you to your new-and-improved property.

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